Fast Tracked PMCF Activities
This case study looks at fast tracked PMCF activities and how CLIN-r+ supported one manufacturer with their Clinical Data Acquisition for EU MDR submission from an MDD Certificate based on Equivalence.
This case study looks at fast tracked PMCF activities and how CLIN-r+ supported one manufacturer with their Clinical Data Acquisition for EU MDR submission from an MDD Certificate based on Equivalence.
The CE mark is a major milestone for most medical devices. It can take a long time to obtain and be a challenging process. CLIN-r+ looks at the manufacturer responsibilities once the CE mark has been granted, update requirements, and more.
Clin-r+ outlines the requirements and considerations manufacturers should review to ensure that Clinical Investigations they undertake are well researched to ensure a return on investment.
What’s the difference between CER, SSCP, and PSUR? Clin-r+ provides a break-down of the aspiration and content of each report, and explains why the reports are required under the EU MDR.
A Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance (SSCP) is an external document that includes information about a medical device, such as general information about the device, a summary of the clinical data for the device, and possible therapeutic alternatives. Clin-r+ provides information on what is required under EU MDR and how it is used.
What is a PSUR? Periodic safety reporting improves medical devices and the advantages they provide to patients. All devices require either a PMSR or PSUR, and the risk associated with the device class determines which report is required, whether it must be reviewed by a notified body (NB), and the frequency of review.
Post Market Surveillance is a collection of processes and activities used to monitor the performance of a medical device. Clin-r+ identifies what your Notified Body wants to see in the Post Market Surveillance Plan and PSUR/PMSR.
Clin-r+ shares how the QMS underpins this process, how the PMS process sits within this, and divides Post Market Surveillance between reactive and proactive PMS.
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